Every semester of college seems to keep going faster. It feels as if it was only a few weeks ago I was writing the first blog post for this website - and now I’m writing the final post.
Not only do semesters go like that, but so does life. The time continues to go faster and faster, until you look back and wonder where it all went.
That’s also part of the reason I’m so big on experiences: you are only guaranteed the present moment to live. As time goes by and life goes faster, you have no idea how the world may change (COVID being a prime example) and you may miss the opportunity you’ve been putting off. My point is: don’t work yourself to death. Remember to slow down. Make time for life’s purest moments. Go on adventures with friends. Make memories with your family. Do things that make you feel as if you are living with every fiber of your being, tangibly experiencing this world to the fullest. YOLO is a bit cheesy, but it’s so true. You really do only live once.
Take that study abroad trip. Make the most of your paid time off. Maybe delay doing that extra credit homework assignment if you're getting a 99% in the class and go out with your friends instead of saying you can’t because of homework for the millionth time. The only thing you can take with you from this world are the memories of how you lived. Live fully and live well.
In my first blog post, I kicked off this campaign with the lyrics from One Republic’s song, “I Lived.” Since I began with a song, it only feels appropriate to end with a song as well. Another of my favorite songs is “The Nights,” by Avicii. Although an anthem to making the most of your youth, it applies to everyone at all stages of their life.
“One day my father, he told me
Son, don't let it slip away...
He said, one day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember.”
Go and make those memories you will remember. It’s never too late to begin living.
Keep exploring until you cannot any longer!